102° Effort
We have a little heat wave going. I decided it would be a good idea to get a nice little trail run in when it was 102°F outside. Honestly, it didn’t feel so bad but I took it super easy. I could feel the heat sucking the life out of my legs. I will also say the mid run dip in the lake definitely made things a little easier. I didn’t go all the way in but I soaked myself, my bandana and my hat for the run home. My shoes got pretty wet in the process…..I may go all the way in next time.
I barely saw anybody out on the way there or the way back, which was no surprise in this heat. However, the beach was packed. I guess that shouldn’t come as a surprise but for some reason I didn’t expect to see that many people out there. Overall the run was good and I didn’t feel overly exhausted in the heat. I took a 24oz water bottle and finished it by 7.5 miles. I was conciously taking a sip every quarter to half mile to stay hydrated.
When I got home the family had already made thier way into the pool so I joined them. I was a little bummed because it basically felt like getting into the bath tub. I was probably close to 90° in there. When it’s cold outside that feels great but when its 100°+ I could go for a nice 80° or so. I can’t complain….once I was in there for a few minutes it felt nice. It was actually really nice to get in then right back out and let the slight breeze cool you off. Many more days in that pool to come. I am grateful.