

Welcome to my blog. My moto is live your dreams and love your journey. This is a place where I remind myself of how lucky I am to be on Earth. Enjoy your time!

The Idea

Here it is on paper so to speak. We traced out the run last night and it turned out to be just over 40 miles…..lucky guess on my part. Just to recap for those missed the post yesterday. I specifically miss two things from the Bay Area. One is running in Quicksilver and the second is the ocean. So yesterday I had an idea while running that I would start in Quicksilver and run over the Santa Cruz Mountains and into the ocean. I called my buddy Mike to see if he was interested and we started planning.

So here it is. Just over 40 miles with 6,500 feet of climbing. It sounds doable. A bit crazy, but doable. Reminder….I am fresh off reading UltraMarathon Man and that has provided a boost of motivation to try this sort of thing. Next step will be checking in with my coach to make sure she thinks I can do it in the time frame I am thinking.

If all goes well, the plan will be to run a short (26+ mile…marathon) preview run in about a month and then do the full thing in about two months. To be honest, this is more exciting than any race I have planned and if I have to skip some of my races to make this happen I will. Notice that I called this Goal #1. I am thinking if this goes well I can start doing other challenges similar to this moving forward. You have to start with one though. I’m sooooo excited!!!

Side note….I ran today. A 3x8 workout run to the lake and back. It turned out to be just over 7.5 miles. I felt like I was getting slower as I went but my splits were actually faster each time…go figure. Overall it was a pretty fast run in 93°F heat. I got back to the house and had a hefty portion of lasagna for dinner…so good.

The Internet Is Broken

The Internet Is Broken

Heat Training Returns + An Idea

Heat Training Returns + An Idea