

Welcome to my blog. My moto is live your dreams and love your journey. This is a place where I remind myself of how lucky I am to be on Earth. Enjoy your time!



First long run in a couple weeks today. Typically I do these bright and early when I usually feel best. Plans changed a bit as little league started today. I decided to volunteer as head coach for my sons team when they needed people. I love baseball and I think it will be a rewarding experience for my son and me. I also love teaching so it fills that part of me.

We had our first practice this morning so I wan’t able to get my long run in like I usually would. We also have a ton of things we need to get done this weekend so I had to try to fit it in a small window. My wife and I decided it would be best if I tried to go at nap time. I ended up getting delayed about an hour but went anyway.

To try and shave some time I decided to start locally and run the 5 miles out to the trails which would save me the drive time there and back. The goal was to do 5 miles out, 14 miles on the trails and 5 miles back. I didn’t quite make it all the way. I use Strava Beacon so my wife knows where I am. She tracked me down at mile 20 after I got off the trails.


I felt pretty good today considering I didn’t run much at all last week. I did have some hockey cross training but that is completely different. The next two weeks are going to be my taper weeks as I approach my first marathon. I’m excited. I am a little upset I didn’t get my full 24 miles in today. I also still struggle on those longer runs. Anything over 20 starts to get to me. I think the marathon will definitely be a challenge but I am up for that.


Shout out to @santa_cruz_mountain_goat for a strong showing at the Mt Umsomething 52k today. Nice job buddy!

Missing Days

Missing Days

Missed it by 30 seconds

Missed it by 30 seconds